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Ways that you can help

Ways that you can help whether as an individual, a business, a community, a faith group, a school or other organisation.

How can sponsoring make a difference?

£5 a month

will provide a daily nutritious meal for a nursery child for a month.

Gambian school children seated in a circle eating from a blue and green plate.
A group of Gambian school children in blue uniforms, the girl in the centre of the image is wearing a yellow patterned top.

£15 a month

will sponsor a child through school by providing mandatory school materials and a family sack of rice.

£17 a month

will fund an older student at college to receive tertiary and career education.

Gambian college students seated behind individual desks in a classroom.
Two yellow land rovers with HELPING Charity logos. Left vehicle is parked inwards, right vehicle is facing the camera.

£50 a month

sponsors one of our fleet of vehicles that: 

  • distributes food and resources or

  • provides emergency transportation to the nearest hospital.

£65 a month

pays a teacher’s salary and educates a whole class for a month.

Gambian school children and teacher posing outside nursery building. Their uniforms are purple and the building has purple windows and the lower half of the building is painted in purple.
What difference will my donation make?
A Gambian baby held in a sheet, we can see the yellow t-shirt of the person holding the baby and it says 'HELPING NURSE'

a £20 donation

will boost our emergency fund, being there to support sponsor children in times of unexpected crisis.

a £3donation

will buy a 50kg bag of rice to feed a family (or compound) for two months and support the local economy.

Gambian parents and children pose outside behind pink sacks of donated rice.
Young Gambian school boy seated at a desk writing with a yellow pencil, wearing a yellow shirt. Photo by Michael Lyons.

a £4donation

will provide a class with writing books.  (So much better than having to share scrappy bits of paper and repeatedly rubbing out!)

a £10donation

will provide a nursery with art equipment that will bring variety, interest and colour to the children’s learning.  

Nursery outdoor art classroom with a painted tiger and monkey on the walls. Photo by Michael Lyons.
Community Projects
Any donations towards these  - small or large - are welcome.
Gambian children surround a water tap outside and there are many buckets surrounding the tap. Photo by Michael Lyons.


will pay for a bore hole and surface standpipe/taps bringing fresh, clean water to serve an entire community.


will pay for an additional classroom for one of our nurseries to improve children’s life chances.



will help us reach our goal of solar panels supplying more reliable and cheaper electricity to all our projects.

ALL donations go to The Gambia to benefit some of the world's poorest children.

To find out more or to donate please click on the donate button or email Margaret.

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